^Die^ gute Universität : eine nicht gehaltene Rede / Michael Daxner. - Oldenburg : Bibliotheks- und Informationssystem der Univ., 1998. - 49 S. - (Oldenburger Universitätsreden ; 100)

ISBN 3-8142-1100-6 ( DM 6.00)

The professors and administrators of German universities tend to maintain the status quo and to adhere to outmoded Marxist theories of education. Modern society needs highly qualified university teachers. Such people are available, but the positions for which they have prepared themselves are sadly lacking. The Good University must be willing to communicate with the larger society and aid in solving its problems. The Good University must share knowledge and authority in administration with the larger society, above all with industry and other educational institutions. A board of trustees chosen from the industrial and business communities would encourage such cooperation. The connection of theory and practice should be the normal situation. All Good Universities should be interdisciplinary and capable of solving problems which touch on several areas of learning. It is necessary that the worth of the Good University be recognized by the public at large. The university does not exist in vacuo and academicians must be self-critical enough to realize that there is indeed research which serves no good purpose.

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